Ceramic cup with a small fox. Height 10 cm. A small spotted cup with an even smaller cheerful spotted fox. It is possible to find a friend for the fox on a similar cup or jug. Author: Ursula Aavasalu
A plate with two rats running around. Diameter 16 cm. Only two black rats. There was only room for two on this plate. The rest can be found on a cup and bowl. Author: Mai Aavasalu
Ceramic plate with a nude gnome. Diameter 22 cm. What is actually hiding under the gnome`s robe? Or who? And do all the gnomes even have a beard? Author: Ursula Aavasalu
Ceramic cup with a sleeping cat. Height 12 cm. The mouse does not run into the mouth of a sleeping cat. But let's be honest: what kind of self-respecting cat would want that kind of thing to happen? Author: Mai Aavasalu