Ceramic bowl with a face. Diameter 22cm, height 8cm.This bowl will smile at you, even if you do take another candy or cookie.Author: Ursula Aavasalu
Ceramic bowl with rats. Dimensions 8x5 cm.Black rats can run round and round. But they have no business inside the bowl.Author: Mai Aavasalu
Ceramic bowl with roses. Height 15 cm and width 24 cm.A slightly old-fashioned ceramic bowl with forever blooming ceramic roses.Author: Ursula Aavasalu
Ceramic bowl with eyes. Dimensions 7x9 cm.This bowl has three eyes. It's a three-eyed bowl.Author: Ursula Aavasalu
A small ceramic bowl with a Celtic pattern. Dimensions: 5x9 cm.The three tiny legs can carry just enough nuts or candy.Author: Ursula Aavasalu
Small ceramic bowl with a tiny snail. Dimensions 11x9 cm.The snail crawls and crawls and crawls around, always around.Author: Ursula Aavasalu